Monday, July 03, 2006

How to Jumpstart Your Site's Exposure: Pay-per-clicking

So you’ve published your e-commerce site and you’re waiting on Google to give you some free ranking. What can you do in the meantime to get some traffic to your store? The answer lies in the world of pay-per-clicking. A pay-per-click is when a site pays Google (or any search engine) for every click into their site from a chosen search term. On Google and Yahoo, the results in the grey box at the top and along the side of the page are all pay-per-click results. The secrets to success in pay-per-clicking are budgeting, good ad copy, and an attractive site.

To make pay-per-clicking worth your while, you must budget how much you’re going to spend. Google makes this process much easier by automating your budget. When you sign up, you choose how much money you want to spend on advertising in a day, and Google stops showing your site in search results after you reach that limit. Another important part of budgeting is to make sure that your sales are making up for what you spend. Pay-per-clicks should not eat into your profits; otherwise it’s better to simply wait on the free ranking.

Good ad copy is essential to any sales success, and pay-per-clicking is no different. Google actually uses the description you write in deciding how high to rank you among the pay-per-clicks. It’s true that the highest bidder gets the top ranking, but your ad copy is still an important factor. Also, your ad copy is the only thing that potential customers will use to decide if they want to enter your site. It must be able to grab people’s attention.

Having an attractive site is imperative to converting clicks into sales. It doesn’t matter how many people come into your site if they’re all leaving. This means you need an attractive color design and an easy site layout to make people want to buy. Consider hiring a consultant or even a web designer to make sure you have the best looking store possible. You could also do the extra work of educating yourself in a web design program like Dreamweaver or Frontpage to build everything yourself. If you do all these steps, your site will be on the quick path to sales!

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