Thursday, October 26, 2006

Shopping Cart Comparison: How To Convert Reports Into Money

When making shopping cart comparisons, take note of how extensive the reporting features are. Reports can save you money and make you money.

Here are three examples:

Filter Sales By Customer

If your shopping cart software allows you to filter the database according to client, you will be able to see where most of your sales are coming from.

The report should give you the volume of sales from each client to enable you to target or give special attention to the top clients on the list, perhaps offering special discounts for bulk orders.

Filter Sales By Date

Use this feature to see if there are specific times in the year when sales volume dramatically increases. You may have a general idea and know which month(s) are the peak sales months.

However, by using a Sales By Date feature you can pinpoint specific times in the year you may not be aware of where sales volume is higher than normal, especially if those times are spread over just one or two weeks. Increase advertising dollars and promotions accordingly at those times and bring in even more sales.

Filter Sales By Credit Card

Do you know which credit cards most of your customers are using? Probably Visa or Mastercard. What about other cards such as Diner’s Club, Discover, Delta, American Express? What are your merchant account charges for those other cards? By checking on Sales By Credit Card you will see whether it is economically viable to continue offering those cards as an option relative to the number of sales you get. If it’s not, drop the uneconomical ones and save money.

This brief exercise has shown the importance of making sure shopping cart software has a comprehensive reports feature when you are making a shopping cart comparison

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