Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Post Launch Laundry List - Did You Know You Should Have One? Part Deux

With your autoresponders on set and forget, and your product flying off your virtual shelves you’d think this project was done wouldn’t you? Nope, not by a long shot. There are a number of things you should consider when you are running a marketing campaign to maximize your monetization of that campaign.

To take shortcuts is simply leaving money on the table. The fact of the matter is that most products have a relatively short shelf life because people are fickle and will quickly move on to “bigger and better”. This truth is even more evident with digital products. There’s a little secret amongst many in the Internet Marketing community that goes a little something like this, “If you can’t afford something you want, wait four months and it’ll be free”. Shhh, don’t tell.

So, what does that have to do with you and your campaign? Well, it means you have a limited window in which you can capitalize on your product or program that you so brilliantly developed. And you need to make the best of that window or you will lose money.

One way that you can additionally leverage your product or program’s existing popularity is with the One Time Offer. I’m sure many of you have seen them and didn’t even know that was what you were looking at. The One Time Offer comes in many different shapes and sizes but they all do the same thing, they add new revenue and fully leverage the popularity of your campaign.

Let’s revisit Part 1 of this series and combine it with Part “Deux” to see how this all ties together-

1) You advertise your newsletter or free giveaway in return for prospect’s information

2) Prospect gets freebie and or begins receiving newsletter

3) Prospect is redirected to your main sales page and views your offer. If he/she makes the purchase, they are then directed to your One Time Offer for additional monetization. If prospect clears out and makes no purchase they continue onto number 4.

4) Your autoresponder begins to market the prospect with a series of well written and well timed messages promoting your original offer.

5) If your prospect does purchase as a result of one of your 10-15 follow up messages they are then directed to…what? Yes, your One Time Offer.

Let’s hit on key components of a One Time Offer that will increase your chances of success with it. Don’t call it a “One Time Offer”. People like personalization, and One Time Offer has been used to death…so call it Franks Special Deal…Today Only!, or Sam’s Super Sale, Now or Never!…you get the gist. Just be certain to emphasize that this deal is only available while the prospect is on that page; and if they leave without dropping the hammer it will be available for much more elsewhere.

Your objective is to create a sense of urgency that adds new revenue to your bottom line. There are definitely things your do NOT want to do…don’t offer products irrelevant to your primary campaign. If your campaign is horse shampoo and your One Time Offer is for “The Surefire Blackjack Beater” you’re not gonna sell squat, and you’ll lose all your subscribers just as fast as you get them.

Also, never offer garbage. Don’t just slap together 5 reseller items that your buyer can get anywhere else for free or for next to nothing. Lastly, don’t go ballistic on price either. You’re a marketer, so you are looking to profit, but you don’t need to get obscene with it.

With this technique you completely leverage your relationships with your subscribers and you are monetizing your campaign to the best of your abilities. However, let me throw in a twist on this that I haven’t seen anywhere else and which has been working quite well for me…again, Shhhh. “The New Subscriber One Time Offer…it looks a lot like the post-purchase One Time Offer, but not exactly.

With this technique you will actually redirect your recent newsletter or free giveaway subscribers to a One Time Offer sales page once they have registered. Your pitch would read something like this, “As a subscriber you are entitled to special offers that you cannot find anywhere else. Right now, and right now only, you can get such and such for only $X” Get it?

You will be able to monetize brand new subscribers in a way that’s not being done anywhere else. And here’s the really cool part. If you are double opting your subscribers, you already know that 10-30% will never complete the confirmation. If you get a One Time Offer in front of them, you will be able to cash in on some of those which you never would have been able to before. If they don’t complete the second opt-in then you can’t mail them. No mail, no money. Well, here’s your opportunity to benefit from their first opt.

So, now you truly have leveraged your existing customer base and you learned how to leverage those cats that just couldn’t seem to complete their double opt confirmations. You’ve done this with the One Time Offer or its twisted sister, “The New Subscriber One Time Offer”. You are the epitome of leverage and monetization. Tune in next week when we discuss one other “hot” item on your Post Launch Laundry List.