Thursday, March 29, 2007

Finding Drop Shippers is no Secret

Some people who sell items online use drop shippers. Drop shippers are people who have a product to sell and allow you to sell it for them. They often offer the product to you at a lower price so that you can make some profit off of the sale as well. They will ask you to either email, fax, phone in or order the product from their site. Then they will ship the product to your customer for you. Most of the time the drop shipper will send the package with your information instead of their own as a courtesy to you so that their customers don’t know that the product was drop shipped and also so that the customer has your information for returns and other customer service issues.

Finding drop shippers is really no secret. There’s no need to purchase an e-book or other “list” just to find a drop shipper. Here’s how I found products to sell…

1. I “Googled” for the product that I was looking for and added “wholesale” to the search. For example, you would search for “widgets wholesale”.

2. When I found the widgets that I thought would sell really well I looked for drop shipping policies on the website. They can usually be found under “wholesale” if they don’t have a link of their own. If they were listed, great! If not, a quick simple email to the site owner was all that was necessary.It’s REALLY that easy! There are some things that you need to be aware of when using drop shippers. They more often than not, charge you a fee. This could be higher shipping or just an extra amount added to each order. Check to make sure you can still profit with this fee included. Ask for references! Just because they say they are a drop shipper doesn’t mean that they will actually ship the product and offer you the customer service that you and YOUR customer deserve. Be sure to find out everything you can about the drop shipper that you would like to use and read any fine print.

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