Thursday, February 07, 2008

Cashback On Your Groceries!

I think the most appealing thing for me about Cashback Websites and Cashback Shopping is the fact that you are shopping whenever, wherever and however you want. Most of my Cashback Shopping is done on my laptop whilst watching the TV, which cant be said of the old days when I used to spend a whole Saturday shopping for stuff only to come back tired and (as it is the UK) often cold and wet!

But cashback shopping is not only about buying the little pick me up's that you buy at the beginning of the month or when you feel like a splurge on a new outfit. Its also, and probably most importantly, about the mundane things that we buy, like groceries for example.

Although, the average offers on Cashback Websites are between 2-5%, which make some people believe that its not worth it, think about how it can add up and the extra incentives that you get from the retailers as well to make it a brilliant money saver.

Take Tesco's for example. If you do your weekly shop of approximately £100 a week through a Cashback Websites, then with 2% cashback on top, it is £2 a week, which then multiplied by 52 weeks a year equals £104 a year. That is also just through grocery shopping without taking into consideration that there are often higher percentages of cashback for electrical, audio items, clothing, insurance etc.

As mentioned above, there are also the incentives that the stores offer directly, such as Tesco Clubcard Points which reward you for every pound you spend, which at the end of the quarter, can then be multiplied up to 4 times to spend on days out, holidays, restaurants, pampering and the list is endless!

The example that I give above is just through one retailer and is incorporating the everyday items we have to buy. But what about the annual outgoings such as house insurance, credit cards, car insurance and travel insurance. If you consider how much money is spent on these items, for example my house insurance is £280 a year with £58.50 cashback, then once again you are getting rewarded for the crucial things that you have to do in order to protect you and your family. Cashback is even available when applying for a credit card, which really is brilliant as you are getting paid for filling out some forms!